
If you've had great success using a Gooseman Game Calls product, email over a testimonial and picture and we'll add you to the site!   Email:  goosemangamecalls@gmail.com


I struggled for years, not feeling as though my goose calling was what it should be.  Then I met "The Gooseman." Steve did not just sell me a call, he showed me how to properly work the call; Proper hand position, proper breath control, proper back pressure and proper cadence.  My calling is far superior to what it was; You can see the results in just one of the many photos I now have of geese taken with these great calls. I now have a lanyard full of Gooseman Calls (I hate to let out this secret, but the Wood Duck Call is incredible). 

- Tom McDonald Worthington Kennels

Both my buddy and I picked up a set of these calls at the Salamanca Sportsman Show last weekend and were itching to try them out.  So despite the 40 MPH crosswinds that were blowing, we had successfully slung steel into 5 different flocks and even got two of them to turn around and come back for a second round.

The calls worked flawlessly; even in the freezing temps.  They are hands down the easiest call that I have ever had the pleasure of using and they are one of the best sounding calls I've ever had.Thank you Gooseman for crafting an excellent call and spending the extra time with us at the show, to be sure we were ready to hit the ground running with these calls.

- Justinian Engels, New York

The Gooseman call is so versatile. I have been using it for some months now and it keeps on working splendidly! Thanks for the call and the instructions! I am looking forward to purchasing a predator call as well!

- Robert Hagle

All I can say is wow ! I got the call Saturday, had good to great sounds in about 5 minutes... after running your call and figuring out breath and hand position we decided that to us your call sounded gooseier then any of the other 40 + calls I blew. So we decided that it would be our opening call for Mondays hunt. What I found was that your call is much easier to run laying on my back in the blind...I started running your call and my focus wasn’t in the sky. When I looked up I had four birds locked up from way up. I didn't move to get in, instead I just rolled on my side and kept them in sight while running your call.

- George Weber, Pennsylvania

Thank you for sending me the short reed goose call so quickly. I took it on a goose hunt the day after I received it in the mail. Although I am a novice at goose calling, I found that it was very easy to learn and use. My friends were amazed at the range of sounds it could make. The Cocobolo wood is an exceptionally nice choice for the call. It makes a great addition to the 3 Gooseman duck calls that I use each fall. I would highly recommend this goose call to any serious goose hunter. This is truly an outstanding goose magnet!

- Bill Atkinson, New York

Bought your goose call at the Allegeny Casino Outdoor Show.  As soon as I got to my truck I had to give it a try.  Wow!  Great Sound!  The call blows extremely easy and produces all the necessary goose sounds.  I have used many calls that were produced by the "big name" call maker's and I can honestly say that yours is just as good as any I have blown.

Great workmanship, quality and sound at an unbelievable price.  Thanks for the great product!

- Stacey Strom, Pennsylvania

I bought one of your grunt calls and a duck call at a local gun show.  My old Knight and Hale grunt call had worn out and I took the opportunity to purchase from a local craftsman.  This season I was able to call in several deer using it; something I had never been able to do with my other one.  I believe this was due to the collapsible tube on it.  If you pull the tube out all the way, you can make deep mature buck grunts.  If you pull it out part way, you can make great subordinate buck grunts.  I extended mine about halfway.  My other call did not have this, and I believe I was scaring more deer than I was calling.

It is a solid call, well made and never froze up on me.  I am still learning with the duck call.  Next year I hope to try one of your turkey calls. 

- Kyle Hollister, New York

I've purchased one of your double reed duck calls a couple months ago at a gun show in PA and I absolutely love it. Since the beginning of my NJ duck season it's called in ducks in every set up I've had so far and no matter how much or how long I call the reeds never stick. I was hoping if I send you a picture of my most recent successful day of duck hunting It could earn a spot on your website. If not that's alright too. I just want to say thank you for producing a very reliable duck call that has produced several great days on the marsh. Thank You

- Cole Puggi

Just got back to the house after a successful morning turkey hunt.  Being out early, we had set up at the edge of a plowed field.  My buddy began to call for me, using the "other" brand of call.  he just could not get tom to finish, since it was hanging up in a hedge row.

My buddy had to leave and I began calling with your slate call.  It worked like a charm, since I called the tom right in, as he immediately headed for my decoys.  He was taken with a simple 15 yard shot.  Thanks Gooseman.

- Chris Simone, New York

I just wanted to say that I have had my best turkey season to date using one of your pot calls.  When I went by your booth at the Syracuse gun show and used your call, I thought that it sounded great.  Little did I know that the turkeys would think it sounded awesome!!!  I called in quite a few birds this year with it and these are the 2 I took.  First is a 20 pound 8 1/4 inch beard 1 inch spur 2 year old and the next is a 19 pound 8 3/4 inch beard 1 inch spur 2 year old.The first (5-3-14) I called in from 200 yards away with another the same size and both came to within 40 yards where I took one,then the last one (5-25-14) was killed when he came in on a late am hunt from at least 150 yards out through open timber. Thanks for the great call and I cant wait till next year!

- Richard Russell, New York